The School Your Child Needs to Thrive and Flourish in all Their Skills

An Individualized Learning System That Sets Students Up To Succeed Academically

Valour offers a nurturing, Christian, well-rounded, and individualized K-12 learning environment where every student matters...

because we believe every child deserves
a chance to flourish in life.

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Valour is Easy

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and to ask any questions you
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Tour the school and
see how your child
will fit in at Valour.

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Fill out an application to have
your child enrolled at Valour.

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What students are saying…

I like how I can work at my own pace and be able to have a closer relationship with God while doing so. I have my own space so I won't get distracted.

I personally love the diversity here. As someone who was the only PoC at my old school, I struggled with my identity and felt weird for being First Nations. I also love the people here because they are super fun to talk to and hang out with.

The teachers actually care for the students and their jobs. Also, the students are nicer and a lot more accepting than I'm used to. We're allowed to work at our own pace and aren't held back.

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