

Valour Academy is a Qualified Independent School, which receives partial funding from the provincial government. VA is a member of SAICS (Saskatchewan Association of Independent Church Schools), and it employs certified teachers in every classroom who hold valid Saskatchewan Professional ‘A’ Teacher’s Certificate.

High School students receive a provincial transcript from the Ministry of Education.

Our Learning System

At Valour, students in Grades 1 to 6 work primarily in self-instructional workbooks called PACE’s*. The students use these workbooks for Math, English, Social Studies, Science, Word Building, and Literature and Creative Writing. Teachers assist the students one-on-one throughout the day, and also provide additional enrichment classes. Subjects such as Music, Drama, Physical Education, Art, and Science labs, are taught in a larger group setting.

In the higher grades, students work in self-instructional workbooks written specifically to meet the outcomes in the Saskatchewan curriculum. Teachers continue to assist students one-on-one, and will implement group projects as needed throughout courses.

A student’s ability and motivation determine how much work will be accomplished in the year. When a student masters a unit and passes the test, he or she moves on to the next unit. Each student is taught to take initiative and to set daily goals, a process which is intended to promote responsibility, self-discipline, and good study habits. The curriculum presents life from a Biblical perspective and provides for conceptualization, critical analysis, cognitive reasoning, and mastery learning.

*PACE = Packet of Accelerated Christian Education

High School Credits

The following information outlines the credit policy for secondary education in Saskatchewan. Students currently in Grade 11 or 12 must follow the previous credit outline, which has been updated this year for students entering Grade 10. The teachers in our high school classes will be able to assist students with understanding the requirements needed.

Area of Study Number of Credits Required
English Language Arts 3
Mathematics 2
Science 2
Social Studies (History) 2
Physical Education 1
Financial Literacy 1
Arts Education/Practical and Applied Arts 2
Sub-Total 13
Electives 11

Total 24

*In order to graduate with a Grade 12 standing, 24 credits are required, at least 5 of which must be 30 level (Grade 12) credits.

To meet the above requirements, students at VA take the following:


English Language Arts A10 OR English Language Arts B10, History 10, Science 10, Financial Literacy 10
One of: Foundations of Math & Pre-Calculus 10 ,Workplace & Apprenticeship, Math 10, Wellness 10 (Phys. Ed.), Two Fine Arts or Practical and Applied Arts

English Language Arts 20, History 20One of: Health Science 20, Physical Science 20One of: Foundations of Math 20, Pre-Calculus 20, Workplace & Apprenticeship 20

English Language Arts A30 OR English Language Arts B30, History 30, Christian Ethics 30 (required at Valour)


Students choose 8 (or more) of the following electives, 6 of which must be at a 20 or 30 level (Grade 11 or 12):

Any of the following courses can be considered an elective, as long as they are not already counted in your “required” section.

Foundations of Math & Pre-Calculus. 10, Workplace & Apprenticeship Math 10, New Testament Survey 10L, Choral 10, Band 10, Drama 10, Information Processing 10, Food Studies 10, Visual Arts 10.

Foundations of Math 20, Pre-Calculus 20, Workplace & Apprenticeship Math 20, Health Science 20, Physical Science 20, Instr. Physical Education 20, Financial Literacy 20, Old Testament Survey 20L, Choral 20, Drama 20, Band 20.

Foundations of Math 30, Workplace & Apprenticeship Math 30, Pre-Calculus 30, Biology 30, Chemistry 30, Physical Ed. 30, Life of Christ 30L, Choral 30, Band 30.